There is so much that could be said about 2016 (“garbage” being a top contender) but when I truly reflect on it from a personal and individual perspective the first word I think of is determination. I have never been as determined as I have been in 2016. I made choice after choice, slowly but surely shaping my life into exactly what I want it to be. That being said, I still have quite a way to go before I can honestly say I’m where I want to be but 2016 was the year of finally waking up and realizing that I simply must do what makes me happy in all aspects of life. This meant taking a break from school. This meant pursuing my dreams of being a full time blogger and taking steps to eventually being able to work for myself in 2017. This meant letting go of past relationships that were not right for me and choosing to be resilient and positive. This meant proudly sharing my dreams and goals without fear of what others might think. This meant choosing gratitude.

I have quite a few New Year’s Resolutions but here are a few I think anyone could use in their lives:

  1. Designate time every week to do at least one nice thing for yourself
  2. Take 10 minutes every day to find gratitude
  3. Always choose to stay positive and focused during difficult times

I really want this year to be the happiest of my life so I know that making resolutions that are about taking care of myself will be the first step.

2016 was the wake up call year. The year of realizing what it is I want out of my life and beginning to make the changes necessary to get there. 2017 is the year of action and making it happen. I can’t wait to share with you all of my plans for the upcoming year.


You may also notice a shift in the type of content you see on She Smiles All Day. While I of course could never stop writing about fashion and beauty (or pasta) I want 2017 to be a year where I give you more. I want you, my readers, to be able to log on and be able to take away value. So while in 2016 She Smiles All Day was about sharing my style and ideas, 2017 will be more about helping and teaching. I’m really excited to share with you what is to come, so stay tuned! And sign up for my newsletter for more info here.

Thank you all for reading and engaging with me in 2016. Your support truly means the world and has made me excited to produce new content for you every week. I can’t wait to see what 2017 brings us!

What are your 2017 Resolutions? Tell me in the comments!



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