You guys I think I’m about that #fitness life. Who do I think I am?

It’s been almost three months since I posted my initial lifestyle change update, which was supposed to be a weekly series (oops) but thankfully while I was not at all consistent with updating you guys I have been very consistent with my new healthy lifestyle!

Three months ago I was feeling lazy, lethargic, and bloated 24/7. I had just returned from a super fun girl’s trip to Charleston and while I had a blast and don’t regret eating all of the delicious things, I was less than impressed with the results that weekend had on my body.

It wasn’t just that weekend though. It was the holidays and work stress and just this never-ending cycle of ordering out every day of the week or walking down the street to get a slice of pizza for breakfast. My eating habits were a MESS.

Also, before I continue, this post is not meant to bash my old body or say that I was gross. My point here is that I didn’t FEEL good. I didn’t FEEL confident. I didn’t FEEL healthy. And that’s honestly the most important thing here people.

I decided that I had to make an actual change. A serious change. Because I’ve done the temporary “I’m so motivated for three days” type of short-term fix and it (obviously) isn’t sustainable. I wanted to figure out a way I could change my life without feeling totally deprived and sad because I knew that wouldn’t work long term either.

eliminating dairy

It has certainly been a learning experience and I am constantly making adjustments to my diet and workout routine in hopes of finding the perfect balance for my lifestyle. And so far I think I’m doing a pretty great job

In the last three months I have:

  • Lost 12 pounds
  • Cleared up my complexion
  • Toned my tummy to the point where I’m starting to see abs come in (insert mouth a gape emoji here)
  • Raised my energy levels exponentially
  • Become noticeably stronger (I was and still pretty much am, a weak baby bird)
  • Started to FEEL so healthy, light and confident! Yaaaaasssss girl!

It might not seem like a lot to some, but I didn’t want to do a juice cleanse or a crash diet. I wanted to create my new lifestyle slowly, intentionally and with my mental well being in mind. So I didn’t rush things or beat myself up for not losing a ton of weight in a matter of weeks. I know that all of these changes I’ve been making will be long-lasting and will help me maintain this new fit bod for (hopefully) years to come!

I originally was going to write out everything I’ve done in one post but I realized that it was A LOT and would be waaaay too long. So I am splitting this up into a three-part series (I promise I will follow through this time!).

Also, this goes without saying, but I am obviously not a professional, a nutritionist or a doctor. This is just what has worked for me. Don’t do it if it doesn’t feel right to you!

Today I’m sharing with you how my new eating habits have totally transformed my body, my mindset and my self-confidence in the last 3 months!


Cutting out dairy

This was something I did from the beginning that I thought I would have a waaaaay harder time doing that I actually did. I love cheese. I worship cheese. I’m the cheesiest person I know. I AM CHEESE.

And yet…I said goodbye to cheese. Along with milk, creamy pastas (sigh) and all dairy. Thanks to this drastic change in my diet, I also said goodbye to bloating and chronic acne. Not mad at it!

To be clear I have not been 100% dairy free for the last 3 months. I start out by going cold turkey for two weeks and was so thrilled with the results. I lost 3 pounds almost immediately but looked like I lost way more because my tummy and face were no longer bloated. My skin cleared up and I felt way more energetic. Part of me was sad, I kinda was hoping to have zero results so I could say “Oh well, guess cheese can stay!” but alas, that was not the case.

eliminating dairy

After my two weeks of being completely dairy free, I started to allow myself to have small amounts of dairy on the weekends as a treat. This didn’t mean getting whole pizzas with extra cheese like the old Sheila. It meant if I ordered a salad when out to dinner I wouldn’t ask them to make it without the feta. Or if I was craving froyo I would make that my treat of the week. I am still completely dairy-free during the week but I do allow myself to indulge mindfully on the weekends. This means both my body and my soul are satisfied. #cheeseislife

If you’re a dairy lover like myself, do not fret. It wasn’t as hard as I thought. By meal prepping (keep reading) I was able to control what kind of ingredients went into my meals day to day and I realized that I could easily replace my cheesy snacks with healthier alternatives that are just as tasty! And this way when I do decide to treat myself to a cheese board and glass of rosé I won’t feel terrible about it.

Meal replacements for dinner during the week

Okay, listen. I know this sounds extreme. And if you had told me a few months ago that I, Sheila Smires, lover of thirds and Queen of 6 layered dips, was going to start eating a meal replacement shake every night for dinner my blood would have run cold. So, how did we get here?

My mom told me about this super healthy, vegan/gluten free/soy free/tasteless meal replacement powder she bought and how she had been blending it with a frozen banana and water for her dinner. Sounds appetizing, I know.

At first, I was like, “hell nah”, but the more I thought about it the more I realized that it did sound kind of nice. I hate cooking a meal at the end of a long day. And having to meal prep 7 lunches and dinners every week was a lot. I also always found myself just overdoing my portions at night. The thought of not having to worry about meal prepping, not cooking dinner and losing weight while still getting all of my nutrients began to grow on me. My mom was a sweetie and got me my own tub of the protein powder (which you can purchase here if you’re interested) and told me to give it a try.

I tried it the next night and it…was foul. Sorry. Not good. Granted, I tried it just mixed with almond milk. Then I tried it with maple syrup. Then with mango. Nothing got rid of the bland taste and chalky texture. Determined to make this shit work, I did not give up. Finally, I found the perfect combo!

I mix in one scoop of powder with 9 ounces of almond milk, a half a frozen banana and one tablespoon of almond butter. The frozen banana adds a sweet flavor and the almond butter makes the consistency super creamy and also adds a hint of salt! I genuinely enjoy drinking these and it fills me up for the night!

If I end up having dinner plans during the week, I will eat this shake for lunch instead. This way I feel better about indulging in a treat that evening!

On the weekends I typically don’t eat them and opt for real meals, whether those be out or at home. But it’s nice to not have to even think about dinner after a busy workday. It’s not for everyone but you might like it more than you think! It doesn’t hurt to try it.

Mindful eating out

I never want to live a life where food isn’t a big part of it. I love to eat. I love trying new restaurants. That will never change. But I knew I needed to find a way to cut back on all the fattening food, while still allowing myself to live my life. Because a pasta-free life is simply not a life worth living.

I knew the takeout habit had to go. It’s expensive, unnecessary and always accompanied by an extra side of ranch. I wanted to save my treat meals for when I was out with friends because that’s part of the fun of eating out. Is there anything better than garlic bread and gossip? I don’t think so.

eliminating dairy

I decided that if I would eat something on the unhealthy side I would limit it to one meal a week and only during the weekends. Otherwise, if I still was going out for some reason (birthdays, happy hour, etc.) I would simply choose items from the menu that fit within my new healthy standards.

I know this is easier said than done but it truly just comes down to the planning. I had a friend who wanted to pick up dinner for us a few weeks ago and so I suggested a salad place I love that has a to die for lamb and kale salad. Was the dressing low fat? Probably not. Was there feta? Hell yes. But was it a better option than asking her to swing by the McDonald’s drive-through? Duh!

Just because you’re going out does not mean you have to eat like trash. You can choose places and items on the menu that won’t leave you feeling stuffed and greasy. You have options people. If someone invites you out and suggests a restaurant you haven’t been to before, check out the menu and see if it has healthier options. If not, maybe that’s your treat of the week! If it doesn’t seem worth it to you, recommend a different place. You have the control here.

Meal prepping

I started giving myself a small $30 grocery budget every week to challenge myself and see what I could do. I wanted to meal prep in a way that was easy, stress-free and organized. I also didn’t want to go overboard with snacks (even healthy snacks in excess can be bad for you) so I thought if I had a budget and a plan I could cut back on spending and snacking all in one go.

Because I eat my meal replacement shakes for dinner this means I really only have to meal prep my lunches for the week. I do this on Sundays and Thursdays. Every Sunday I go to Trader Joe’s with my list of “must-gets” as well as a list of “if there’s extra” items in case I have anything left in my budget after I check off the main list.

This might not work for everyone, but when I find a meal I love, I love it for a while. As in, I can eat it every day for a week or more. So instead of buying tons of different ingredients to make several different meals, I pick one lunch dish for the week and buy groceries for that. If you like variety this may not be the best option for you but if you’re a boring bitch like me you’ll love it!

I’ve been really into healthy burrito bowls lately so I typically pick up ground turkey, brown rice, tons of veggies (whatever I’m in the mood for), refried black beans and salsa. I also pick up broccoli chips, little salami packs and almonds so I have easy snacks that I can just grab on the go. I also always get a chocolate bar and have a square of it after my dinner. I’m wild, I know!

After I’m done grocery shopping I go home and do the bulk of my meal prepping for the week. I cook the rice, the ground turkey and half of the veggies. All three of these go into their own large tubberware for the week and make assembling my burrito bowls super easy. I buy a lot of veggies so I just usually don’t have time to make them all on Sundays (I allot an hour to meal prepping) so I will make the rest on Thursday which is around when I run out of the first batch. Batch? Can veggies be in a batch? What?

So there you have it, some light meal prepping to make your week a little easier!

So much water

You probably already know the endless benefits of drinking a lot of water. Weight loss, clear skin, errythaaang. And I can definitely attest to the fact that the more hydrated I became, the healthier I felt.  That along with cutting out dairy is truly what made me see such amazing results so quickly.

eliminating dairy

Along with making my skin glow and my tummy flatten out, water has seriously helped me curve my appetite. Listen, your girl can eat. I am notorious for asking “are you going to finish that?” and questioning whether or not two orders of mac and cheese is enough for the table. I had to train my body to accept smaller portions and to realize that I’m actually full. I don’t need to eat everything on the table. Part of that was drinking a glass or two of water any time I thought I wanted to eat. Typically this happens shortly after I’ve already had a snack or meal. I know that I’m full but I just want more. But by drinking more water I start to feel fuller and my appetite has become much more manageable.

I use a 32-ounce bottle and I aim to refill it 4 times in a day so I can hit my water goal of a gallon. Some days I can do it and some days I can’t. I don’t stress too much about it but make sure that I have at least two bottles of water so I can hit the halfway mark. That’s also about half my body weight in ounces which is typically what you should be aiming for. Yay for hydration!

I hope you found this post helpful and maybe even semi-motivating. Trust me, if I can do this, truly anyone can. Let me know what kind of positive changes you want to make to your eating habits in the comments below!



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One comment


I love this! And it made me lol at some parts! I’m also on a wellness journey and I’m finally getting serious about it! Loved your tips. Maybe I’ll try out that meal replacement shake you mentioned.

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