Hey friends! Some of you may have seen my announcement about my new dating podcast, It’s Not She, It’s You, last week and I couldn’t be more excited AHHH!

The podcast is to blame for my lack of blog posts but we’re back up and running folks! The first episode is officially edited and ready to go with several other episodes recorded and on deck so I can finally get back to my regular blogging schedule. Although I will be going from 3 posts to 2 each week because it turns on podcasting is a lot of god damn work. Who knew??

If you’re reading this like “wtf are you talking about?” then allow me to explain: I’m launching a podcast on February 14th all about my messy, at times hilarious and hopefully relatable love life. But I won’t be the only one telling you the story. I enlisted some help from my exes to help tell the tale. And to answer your question, yes, I know I’m crazy. Moving on!

I knew I wanted to start a dating podcast but I also knew I needed an angle. And the thought of texting every guy I have ever dated and asking them to chat with me about our relationship (or non-relationship in some cases lol) seemed like both the worst and best idea I’ve ever had. So that’s exactly what I did.

I sat down for episode one and texted every guy I had ever dated (well, almost) and asked them if they would be willing to be on the podcast. Some said absolutely not. Some had a lot of questions. Some said they needed to ask their wives first (lol). Some said nothing at all. But some, shockingly, said yes. And I am SO grateful that they did because you guys. These interviews. Wow wow wow. I can’t wait to share!

You’re probably wondering, how am I able to sustain an entire podcast around my dating life? There can’t possibly be enough dudes to make it past a couple of episodes. Well, dear reader, you are incorrect.

I have dated a lot. Mostly casually with a few, serious and impactful chapters in between. I have always enjoyed dating and have probably spent hours gossiping about my dates to my best friends for years. So I started thinking, what if I shared all of these experiences, the good, the bad and the ugly, with all of you?

Not every guy has been a boyfriend and they certainly haven’t all been a dream come true. But they have all impacted my life in some way, big or small, and helped shape my vision of what I’m looking for and what I deserve. Not to mention, there are some pretty hysterical stories that go along with each guy that I feel like all of you ladies will relate to.

So I am going to take a trip down dating lane and share the stories behind each guy, episode by episode. A lot of them will feature interviews with the guy so you can hear his perspective along with hysterical commentary from my best friends.

I have poured my heart into this project and am really proud of what it’s become. And I’m so grateful to all of you for showing support and interest! It means the world.

This isn’t necessarily an easy podcast to make (emotionally and logistically) but it’s my life and I’m happy I get to share it with you. ♥

if you want to keep up with It’s Not She, It’s You and also make me a super happy lady then follow my new IG account: @itsnotsheitsyou

Episode one releases Valentine’s Day on iTunes and I would LOVE LOVE LOVE you forever if you downloaded it and gave it a listen 🙂



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