I decided to do something a little outside of the norm for my 21st birthday and went to New York City for five days! This was my third time visiting and I love it more and more every time I go.

Started the trip off right with beers and quesadillas at the airport while we celebrated the Giant’s win!

After we arrived at 5 am (yikes) and finally made it to my cousin’s apartment in Manhattan, showered and took an overdue nap, we enjoyed our first meal at Caracas Arepa Bar. Potato leak soup and a tilapia arepa. I died.




Dressed up as a Mermaid for our Halloween night out! Forgot to purchase clear lash glue so I couldn’t place any jewels on my face which was a huge bummer, but hey, you can’t win em all.


Went to Cowgirl and had admittedly mediocre biscuits and gravy, but it’s cowgirl themed so I insisted we go. However, the french macarons I devoured later from Laduree totally made up for it. If you’re ever in NY I highly recommend picking up a box and heading a few blocks over to the Met.


Had what could have possible been the most delicious crepe at the Crooked Tree for breakfast. I got the prosciutto and mozzarella and I could argue that it was the best decision I ever made. Paired with mimosas it was a perfect brunch.




Trekked down to Times Square to do the tourist thing!

Enjoyed my final NYC meal at Motorino’s. Their brussel sprout pizza killed me. I ate my leftovers cold on the plain it was so good.

There were a ton of other shenanigans I got myself into, like visiting the huge Henri Bendel on 5th Ave and getting a monogrammed wallet, exploring the HUGE Victoria’s Secret in Herald Square and staring everyone with my mouth open like an idiot, and of course eating my weight in soup dumplings from Joe’s Shanghai. All activities that I enjoyed so much I didn’t even remember to take pictures.

Definitely a weekend well spent.

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Wow, seems like you had an awesome time in NYC. The food you chose looks amazing. What a good decision to go for the crepe, it looks just perfect!


Thank you! It was incredible! I definitely recommend it! 🙂


Great idea to go to NYC for your 21st! Traveling is such an incredible experience and an amazing way to celebrate!
I have been blogging about my time exploring NYC- maybe it will give you some ideas for the next time you come! http://classiccosmopolite.wordpress.com/category/new-york-2/


Thank you! I’ll definitely have to check out your blog for the next time I visit 🙂

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