Hello friends! I’ve decided to start (and try out in case it’s lame and you hate it) a new weekly series where I share all of my weekly fashion/beauty/life favorites and give you an update on what’s going on in my life. Very self-indulgent I am now realizing as I type this but oh well too late, here we are.

With my podcast launching last month I am trying to make sure I am still giving you consistent content every week here on the blog and I thought this might be one effective way to do it! We’ll see how it goes and if it sucks I’ll scratch this idea and go back to the drawing board!

This week I have been feeling a bit off because I started the week off recovering from a cold that took me out this weekend and am still trying to get out of a funk I was in last week. Does that ever happen to you? A week where you feeling totally not like yourself, extra anxious, unable to muster up any motivation. It happens from time to time and I’m happy to be snapping out of it now but it can be a real buzz kill when it comes to getting work done and being a productive human being.

Something I’ve learned about myself is that in those moments when I’m feeling so overwhelmed and drained and like I could sleep for 10 years and it still wouldn’t be enough—I have to give myself a break. Heading to the gym and then powering through my workload with an extra cup of coffee won’t work for me. I truly have to allow myself to shut off mentally. This could mean reading a good book instead of clearing my inbox. Taking a bubble bath before bed. Going on a hike to clear my head. Even just allowing myself to sleep in instead of sticking to my usual 5 am wake up time. I have to give myself a chance to rest and recoup.

So I’ve been easing back into my regular schedule this week and feeling much better and am finding my inspiration again. I have so many ideas for the podcast and for the blog and I’m getting really excited about them. This weekend I’m going to get back in the gym after a bit of a hiatus and I’m going to focus on taking care of myself and my body.

You can’t force yourself to feel better instantly. You have to give yourself time to process those feelings and resolve them at a pace that works for you. So if you’ve been in a creative rut or just aren’t feeling motivated don’t feel like you have to snap out of it asap. Give yourself some time and ease back into everything slowly and with purpose. We could all be a little more gentle with ourselves.

This week I’m sharing how I’ve gotten the best skin of my life, what’s on my fashion wishlist currently, some exciting podcast updates and more! If you like this type of personal and in real time (ish) post tell me in the comments! Your feedback means everything. ♥


Rainy Day Ready

rainy day style

I have been seriously slacking when it comes to dressing appropriately for the weather. San Francisco just doesn’t typically get this much rain and every time the rain stops I think that it’s over for the season (makes no sense I am an idiot) and I decide to not purchase rain boots or a new jacket after all.

And then it pours.

I have one trench that’s rainy day ready but other than that I am left looking like a wet rat every time it rains because ya girl is just not prepared. Sooo I am buckling down this weekend and finally committing to my stormy weather style. Because these are items I won’t use all the time but that I will hopefully be able to have for years I want to buy some quality items. Here are a few of my picks on my rainy day fashion wish list!

rainy weather stylerainy weather stylerainy weather stylerainy weather style rainy weather stylerainy weather style


This is getting personal

dating podcast

Haven’t heard that I launched a dating podcast last month? Check out the details here and listen to the first episode on iTunes here! You can also find the podcast wherever podcasts are free 🙂

I have been trying to figure out a way to go from my original plan of producing bi-weekly episodes to producing weekly ones. It requires a ton of time and planning but I feel like the podcast will lose momentum if I keep going so long in between episodes. Plus I have a ton of ideas that I’d love to share so right now I am working on a game plan from a scheduling standpoint so I can make this work.

I was listening to episode 3 that comes out next Thursday 3/14 for a final review this morning and it was making me a little…anxious. Don’t get me wrong, I think this episode is hilarious (if I do say so myself) and real and that you’ll all find it entertaining. But man, I am sharing a lot about myself with the world. And I knew that this would be the case when I first thought of the idea of rehashing all of my past flames and reaching out to all the guys I’ve dated. But while this isn’t a surprise, it still feels incredibly scary to be so personal. Buuuut this is what I wanted to do so we shall move forward!

I have to say all of the support and kind words from those of you who have listened is making me so happy and filled with gratitude. There’s nothing better than having an idea you’re super excited about and then finding out that you weren’t crazy and people actually do like it. So thank you thank you thank you ♥



More sleep and less socializing 

self care

Something I focused on last week and have been attempting to maintain this week and moving forward is really allowing myself to have more evenings to myself.

Self-care doesn’t have to just be bubble baths and face masks. Sometimes it’s giving yourself time to take it easy and enjoy some solitude. I can easily overschedule myself during the week with happy hours and dinners and dates and that just leads me to 1. not having enough time to myself to relax and 2. not being able to go to bed at a decent hour. My sleep is really important to me because I get up at 5 am during the week so not being in bed by 9 does not set me up for success the next day.

I’ve been making it a personal goal to not schedule more than 2 outings during the week so I can at least have 3 really solid nights of relaxation and rest. Waking up feeling completely rested and without a headache (an inevitable consequence of drinking now that I’ve entered my mid to late twenties) is worth a little fomo.


The best skin of my life

clear skin

My skin has been the clearest it has ever been lately and I couldn’t be more thrilled. I’ve always been prone to breakouts and while I’m lucky that I don’t suffer from anything extreme, it’s definitely not uncommon for me to have a blemish or two (or four fine).

But lately my skin has been super clear, glowy and looking healthy af. And guess what? It’s not because of a product. The three ways I cleared up my skins are completely free.

1. I’ve been drinking between 80-132 ounces of water every day and I am super hydrated. Drinking this much water has resulted in weight loss, a stronger immune system (constantly flushing out toxins), increased energy, staying full longer and best of all; my skin clearing up and no longer feeling dry as a bone.

2. Going from eating dairy, fats and sugars excessively on the daily to only once or twice a week (if that) has also been a huge reason why my skin cleared up. Dairy and sugar wreak havoc on your skin, it’s just a fact. My skin immediately cleared up when I changed my diet a year ago but I honestly think now that I have such a veggie heavy diet my skin has improved even more.

3. The number one reason why I think my skin has gone to a new level in the past couple of months is that I stopped wearing makeup every day. In fact, I don’t wear it most days anymore. While I love playing around with makeup and trying new products, I realized that I love the way my skin looks under makeup when it’s actually clear way more. Makeup is never good for your skin, period. So when I started only wearing it when I was going out to social events I noticed that my pores were not longer clogged and enlarged, my skin was dewy and I had less redness and irritation. Before when I would apply foundation my skin looked so dry and cakey but now it looks smooth and glowy. Yay!

I know not wearing makeup can feel kind of scary because I use to wear it every single day and wouldn’t dream of leaving the house without it. But I just realized that it was worth it to have healthy skin. Plus I work from home most of the time sooooo lol it’s a little easier for me!

If you have a consistent skin care routine but you’re still not seeing the results you want maybe give any of these tips a try! Great skin starts from within!


A little bit of magic

reading list

Ever since I started the podcast I have barely had anytime to do anything leisurely, including reading which makes me really sad because it’s truly something that brings me a lot of joy. BUT this past week I have been making myself create a little bit of time in my schedule each week to squeeze some reading in and I gotta tell ya, it is damn good for the soul!

What am I reading right now you ask (you didn’t ask but I will tell you)? Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone. Yes, you read that correctly. I, a 90’s baby, have never read any of the HP books. I haven’t seen the movies either. To be honest, all the hype really made me not want to have anything to do with them which I realize is a dumb reason not to read something so here I am. Giving it a shot!

It’s very cute. Do not @ me. I’m an adult woman, I’m sorry I missed the phase where a book like this would have been losing my shit and drawing lightning bolts on my forehead. There is only so much enthusiasm I can muster up at this point in my life. But yes, I am enjoying it and it’s fun and it makes me feel a little bit like a kid again.


Great wine spots in the mission

San Francisco restaurants

I realize that I don’t share enough SF recs with you guys which is a shame because I love to eat and drink in this city and have a ton of places I’d love to share with you. So, I am going to try to do a better job and share them weekly!

Here are the places I’ve been to recently that I’ve loved and I think you will love too:

Mission Cheese – Valencia St.

I went here post-brunch a couple of weekends ago and had no less than three glasses of delightfully tangy sparkling wine and it was a real treat. I have been several times and for some reason have never gotten a cheese board which now that I’m typing this seems totally unacceptable. BUT I have had their grilled cheese and it is unbelievably delish so I’m sure the cheese boards are a dream. Stop by and sit outside while you sip from one of their tasty wines on their rotating menu and creep on all the cute dogs that walk by.

ABV – 16th & Guererro

A fun, cozy little bar in the mission that has great cocktails and even better light bites. Their tater tots, spicy cauliflower, pork belly, and octopus are all must-haves and are totally shareable. I love the staff here because they’re super friendly and attentive and are great with recommendations. This is a great date spot and in fact, I was just there a couple of weeks ago on a date! And actually, I’m going on a date there tonight…Lol. Clearly, I am a fan!

Did you like this weekly roundup? Tell me in the comments! Your feedback means the world 🙂

Xo, She

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