When we think about “being healthier” I think a lot of us immediately envision ourselves running 5 miles at 6 am every morning, slamming down a green juice with a side of 12 vitamins for breakfast and replacing every single thing we eat with cauliflower.

And yeah, maybe some superhumans do that but I am not one of them. I have gone through tons of “healthier lifestyle” phases in my life that were ultimately short-lived and ineffective. I think the big reason why they just didn’t work out is that I was making too many drastic life changes, too quickly.

I thought to improve my health and lose weight I needed to be an entirely different person. I thought I had to restrict myself dramatically to see progress. I thought I had to work out every single day and eat salads for every meal to start feeling better. I am happy to report, that is not the case.

Over the past 8 months, I’ve made a lot of big changes to my lifestyle. But these changes came slowly, over time, step by step. I did not dive all the way in like I had before, only to not be able to keep up with this new lifestyle and inevitably give up and return to my life of chicken nuggets and wine for dinner.

I realized that real, lasting results take time. They require patience and consistency and a lot of moments when you just have to forgive yourself for not being perfect and move on.

I started by seeing a trainer once a week so I could learn the right way to work out. A month later I got a gym membership and started going a couple times a week. Eventually, that turned into going every day and now it’s more like 3-4 times a week. I found a schedule that works for me so I can maintain my weight, feel energized and build muscle.

I started by cutting out dairy for two weeks. Then I limited my carbs and stopped ordering takeout. Eventually, this turned into meal prepping and now I make all my own meals and eat healthy snacks throughout the day. I eat when I’m hungry and I fuel my body with things I enjoy eating that are also nutritious.

My point is that it’s a process and while you, of course, can do an 8-week exercise program with an app or do a 30-day detox and drink all of your meals, that simply just isn’t sustainable. If you want lasting change you need to be intentional, willing to experiment and practical. Because that juice cleanse might help you drop 10 pounds but once it’s over that’s all going to come back as soon as you start eating normal food again. Not to mention the negative, unhealthy effects something like that has on the body.

Making healthy, small, gradual changes can help you lose weight if that’s what you’re after but most importantly it improves your overall well being. You’ll sleep better, your skin will be clearer, and you will feel better.

So if you’re looking to start incorporating easy, painless healthy habits into your daily routine that won’t take all of your time and sanity, then check out my 10 ways you can start living a healthier life below!

All of these tips are things I’ve started doing daily over the past few years that have significantly improved my life. They’re like health and fitness baby steps. Give them a try and tell me what you think!


If the thought of working out makes you reach your hot cheeto crusted hand up to your open mouth in horror, then maybe start small.

Even as someone who doesn’t particularly enjoy exercise, I always enjoy getting some fresh air. I love taking walks in the morning or in the afternoon if I can squeeze them in. I listen to a podcast, get some vitamin D and creep on all the cute dogs walking by.

I know a lot of times it feels like unless we go big we won’t see any results but trust me, this will make a difference. Especially if you’re going from not doing anything physical at all to moving a little bit each day.

Try taking a walk around your neighborhood (or a cute park!) a couple times a week and see how you feel!

Also, if you’re trying to figure out how to incorporate exercise into your life and you’re someone who despises exercising, check out my tips for making working out easier here!

#2: Use water as your coffee motivator

I’m not going to lie, the first liquid that touches my lips in the morning is coffee. Your girl gets up at fucking 5 am, alright, I’m not trying to live a miserable life over here.

As much as I wish I could do the lemon water first thing in the morning situation, I just can’t. I need that hot bean water pumping through my veins asap. Whatever, I’ll work on it.

However, when it comes to a second coffee, tea or wine (my three key daily beverages) I don’t allow myself to indulge until I’ve finished my water bottle. I try to drink a gallon (132 oz.) a day and usually can hit at least 80-100 every day. This has completely improved my energy levels, skin, and digestion. But that’s no surprise, we all know we need to drink more water. The question is, how do we do it?

Before refilling your coffee mug or uncorking that sauvignon blanc, drink at least 16 ounces of water. The water will help keep you full, hydrated and feeling good. But, you still get to enjoy your well-deserved caffeine hit.

#3: Meditate for 5 minutes every morning

Meditation is kind of tricky because it’s pretty trendy at the moment but it also seems like the kind of thing you have to master immediately. Fortunately, there’s a reason they call it a meditation practice. There are many mornings where I spend the entire 5 minutes thinking about what I should wear that day. But then there are days when I’m totally in it and I feel so good.

The good news is, either way, I feel pretty relaxed and focused going into my day afterward. It’s the act of just taking a few minutes to myself to just be that allows me to face the day with a more laid-back attitude. You can obviously give it a go for more than 5 minutes, that’s just what works with my schedule (and attention span tbh). I use a guided meditation app called Simple Habit that I love!

#4: Protect your skin

Alright, I’m probably just an idiot but I have just within the last year started applying sunscreen every day. I’m literally Casper out here acting like I’m not translucent. Who tf do I think I am?

Sun damage is not a joke and the only way you can truly protect your skin is with sunscreen. Even if you live in a foggy metropolis like me, the sun will come for you. I admittedly don’t apply sunscreen to my body every day, mostly because I’m usually layered up, but my face has become a non-negotiable. I love this moisturizing sunscreen from Coola but there’s a ton of other ones that have added skin benefits as well.

Before you apply your makeup or rush out the door, take 30 seconds to apply your sunscreen. If you really want to take things up a notch, carry yours with you in your bag!

#5: Multivitamins for the win

Ah, vitamins. We all know we should be taking them but we don’t really get them. First of all, there’s so many. Wtf? Why??

It can be kind of confusing and overwhelming to get into the vitamin game but if you want to start taking them to help support your immune system just start with a basic multivitamin. I take this one that I really like but honestly, you can just dip into Walgreens and grab some gummies, #noshameinyourgame!

I also take a probiotic (great for digestion so if you have tummy troubles get on it!), vitamin C (prevents colds, etc.) and fish oil to ease inflammation in my joints and keep my heart healthy!

To get your ideal vitamins and supplements I would talk to your doctor next time you’re in to see if you’re deficient in anything.

#6: Add some greens

When we think of changing our eating habits our first thoughts are usually about what we can’t have. And while, yes, limiting your intake of trash is definitely a part of improving your nutrition, you can just start by adding in some stuff that’s good for you.

Before I got it together and started eating like a real adult my stomach hurt all the time. That mostly had to do with my lack of vegetables. Hot Cheetos and red vines do not make for a healthy dinner but if you add in some broccoli on the side at least you’re getting in some of your daily servings, ya know?

Start ordering a salad on the side of that massive burger. Munch on some cucumber slices in between shoveling Doritos down your throat. Slowly start adding in veggies (and fruits!) into your diet and see how much better you feel.

First of all, the more veggies you eat, the fuller you get, therefore not leaving as much room for tater tots in your belly. Try to start filling your plate with fruits and veggies first and then go in for the other stuff.

Eventually, yeah, you gotta figure something out about your Taco Bell habit but if the thought seems super daunting to you, just start with adding in good shit before you take the bad shit away.

#7: Limit eating out to 1-2 times a week

A huge game changer for me was ditching the takeout and committing to a grocery list and meal plan each week. And let me just say, if the thought really freaks you out because you can’t cook, that is not a good excuse. I am no chef, okay. I live in an apartment for ants without an oven and I still manage to prepare meals that I like that and that are also healthy.

If you have amazing self-control and can handle ordering healthy options when you eat out, more power to you. But, if you’re anything like me and you strongly associate ordering out with fried foods and butter then it might be time to rethink your food choices.

If you’re used to firing up your Post Mates app every day at 5 o’clock or swinging by your favorite restaurant try replacing those evenings with dinner at home a few times a week. Start with ordering out just 1-2 times a week. Huge bonus: you won’t be spending all your fucking money on food. I used to spend $150+ a week on food and now I spend $40. Can’t beat that!

Even if you start by buying prepared or frozen foods at the grocery store you can still start eating at home and making healthier choices more often!

#8: Keep makeup wipes near your bed

Listen, your skin is important. It’s the largest organ in your body (on your body? In? On? What?) and it needs you to stop being such a mess. Just saying.

We have all been that girl who stumbles into her apartment a 2 am with absolutely no intention of doing anything but diving into bed with her shoes still on, let alone go through her 12 step skincare routine. It’s just not going to happen.

BUT, while we may not be able to make it to the bathroom sink, do you think we can all agree that it’s possible for us to at least haphazardly apply a makeup wipe to our oily faces and remove some of the garbage that has seeped into our pores? I don’t think it’s a lot to ask.

Keep your makeup wipes by your bed as your emergency too-many-tequila-shots skin care routine and save yourself the misery of realizing you slept with your makeup on.

And if you can handle it, it wouldn’t kill you to moisturize while you’re at it.

#9: Limit drinking to the weekends

While we’re on the topic, let’s talk about one of the hardest habits I had to break.

If I had to choose a personal quote to put on my tombstone ahead of time, it would be “wine as antioxidants, so it’s basically a vitamin”. I loved my glass (or two) of wine at the end of the day. And I honestly still think I deserve it. However, I can’t deny that I always wake up a little less hydrated and little more bloated (cute) when I indulge in my favorite beverage the night before.

I love wine, okay? That’s not going to change. BUT, since I started limiting my wine consumption to the weekends I have felt so much better throughout the week and totally increased my productivity. I don’t wake up feeling sluggish or out of it which is great because your girl’s got things to do!

Of course, I still indulge on the weekend (duh) but by being more mindful during the week I have definitely seen a significant change in my overall health and mood.

#10: Try going to bed 30 minutes earlier

I feel like when I talk to people about making healthier choices, sleep is always, across the board, one of the biggest things that holds them back. However, when I mention going to bed earlier it is also a concept a lot of my friends can’t quite comprehend.

I get up at 5 am like a psycho every weekday morning so going to bed early in a non-negotiable for me. And I am so effing tired at the end of the day that it requires a strong effort not to crawl into bed at 7 pm.

Sleep is hugely critical to literally every aspect of our lives. It helps prevents illness, it’s good for our skin, it’s great for our digestive system, it makes us better at our jobs, it helps with weight loss, etc. The list goes on and on. Our body craves it and for a lot of us, we just aren’t getting enough.

I get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep every night and I feel fucking amazing. I am rested, I am ready to take on the day and I feel like I can actually function on less than two cups of coffee. Although, I do often exceed that (working on it).

And listen, I know some of you are “night owls” but the fact is, most jobs require you to be at your best during the day. Meaning you don’t gain anything from staying up until 1 am binging The Great British Baking Show (my new fave on Netflix btw).

I dare you to try going to bed early and getting 8 hours of sleep once and see how great you feel. But, if you just don’t think it’s possible for you, start small. Try going to bed just 30 minutes earlier tonight and see if it makes a difference. Try it for a week and once you’ve got that down, try to go to bed another 30 minutes earlier next week. Ease into it and see how it feels!

Obviously, if you’re a normal person and you wake up around 8 every morning you don’t have to go to bed at 8:30 like I do. It’s about the number of hours you’re getting. Aim for 8 and see how it improves your life.

I hope you found these tips helpful and are less intimidated by living a “healthy lifestyle”. Start with baby steps and go from there. You got this!

What small steps are you taking to be healthier? Tell me in the comments below!

Xo, She

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